Saturday, January 13, 2007

Deivathin Kural Series - 125

Om Namah Sivaya.
Deivathin Kural # 125 of 29 Dec 2006.
1. To-day's title is 'Kannan Piranda Dinam', that is, 'Krishna's Birth Day', occuring in pages 558 to 561, in Volume 1 of Deivathin Kural, Tamil version, published by Vanady Padippagam, Chennai.
2. Sri Krishna Bhagawan, in Bhagawat Geeta says, "when the whole world is asleep, Gnani is awake", in the sense that, he is aware of the brilliance of Gnana, while the world is blissfully unaware in Agnana. When it is dark everywhere, we welcome light! In the arid desert, if we come across some shadow and water, we are thrilled! The lightening with the dark clouds as the background, seems more effulgent.
3. Sri Krishna Paramatma's birthday, is Krishna Patcha Ashtami, in the month of Avani, during Sun's Southerly leaning Dakshinayana. One year for us is, one day for the Devas. Our Uttarayanam is their day; Dakshinayanam is night. So the time of birth of Krishna, is the middle of the night. Similarly, our one month is one day for Pithrus. The (waxing fortnight of) Sukhla Paksham of the moon, is day for them; and the (waning fortnight of) Krishna Paksham of the moon, is night for them. In that also Ashtami is mid-night for Pithrus. In Ashtami, Krishna was born in the middle of the night. Put together, what does it mean? The time of Sri Krishna's birth, is middle of the night, for Devas, Pithrus and Human beings! That too, He was born in the dark dungeon of Jail! His name is also Krishna, which means black! His skin is also dark!!
4. In a dark period for all, in the middle of the night for all, this dark named, dark skinned, Krishna was born as a brilliant effulgence of the Awareness of Gnana. This brilliance is eternally bright, by itself and in contrast! His Name and Fame is glittering everywhere. His Geeta is resounding everywhere! Srimad Bhagawatham, which describes His playful, lively, adventures, is considered as the brightest amongst the jewels of Puranas!
5. The eyes light up the physical body. Gnanam lights up our inner and outer, Life. For all living beings, Krishna is the Eye which gives the light of Awareness. Eye in Tamil is Kan. So Krishna, in South India, became Kanna the darling. His form is capable of submerging our inner and physical eyes in perennial bliss. Through our ears, He fills us with the music of His enchanting flute; and the essence of all Knowledge and Awareness of Gnana of Geeta. Geeta Amrita and Amrita Geeta!! That Kannan is the Eye for the whole world. The eye that gives light. He is the Eye and also the Light!!
6. Sri Krishna, in one life time, has played a variety of roles. A mischievous child; a shepherd boy; an artist who gamboles playing on the flute; a rasika who enjoys music; a wrestler who defeated Chanoora and Mushtika, sent by Kamsa; a matador, when he had to tackle seven bulls simultaneously, as a pre-condition to winning the hands of Nannajit's daughter Satya's hands in marriage; a master tactician and strategist; a messenger; a chauffeur, driving Arjuna's charriot in battle; a philanthrophist who saves Kuchela from penury; a saviour who retrieves Droupadi from extreme embarassment and shame; a donor of salvation, when He gave Bhishma, mukthi; not only that; the ultimate, in giving mukthi even to the hunter who killed Him with an arrow. His exploits are of epic proportions!
7. World is full of all sorts of people, of a variety of mentalities and pre-dilections. Braves, cowards, thieves, womanisers, idiots, fools, perseverers, old and young, men of head-weight and melting hearts, learneds and unreads, sophisticated and crude, misers and spend-thrifts, yogis and gnanis and pseudo-gnanis, and so on. Not all of them can be attracted by one good Mahatma or Avatara. But none of them can deny the pull of Sri Krishna's attraction! The average good people are easily shepherded. It is the black-sheep who are more difficult to be controlled. It is for their sake, Krishna has come as, clever, smart, mischievous, enigmatic, mysterious, and so on. His universal attraction and appeal, makes Him a Poorna-Avatara!
8. Beween Sivarathri and Krishnashtami, there are exactly 108 days. In one was the emergence of the Jyotirling. That came as all-black-outside, all-brilliance-inside, the light of the world and universe, Krishna that is, Kanna.


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