Sunday, September 25, 2011

DEIVATHIN KURAL # 57 (Vol # 5) Dated 25 Sept 2011

DEIVATHIN KURAL # 57 (Vol # 5) Dated 25 Sept 2011

(These e-mails are translations of talks given by PeriyavaaL of Kanchi Kaamakoti Peetam, over a period of some 60 years while he was the pontiff in the earlier part of the last century. These have been published by Vanadi Padippagam, Chennai, in seven volumes of a thousand pages each as Deivathin Kural. Today we are proceeding from the page No 343 of Vol 5 of the Tamil original. The readers may note that here in 'man/he' includes 'woman/she' too mostly. These e-mails are all available at updated constantly)
94. There are two words in Sanskrit which we must understand, while discussing the subject of criticism. One is ‘dosham’ and the other is ‘dvesham’. The first word ‘dosham’ means fault or error and the second word ‘dvesham’ means hate, grudge and or enmity. When we point out the dosham in others’ way of doing things or views or methods, we have to be factual without any dvesham. Sankara Avatara and other greats of the Vedic tradition before and after him could not help pointing out the fallacies in the other avowed points of views. There is nothing wrong in pointing out the dosham in other’s points of view or traditions. As I said earlier, mistakes should be pointed out. But neither in the act of criticism nor in the person being criticised should there be any dvesham, because of this. We may not go out of our way in criticising others point of views. However when others do so, we have a duty to clarify the situation.
95. It is not enough to just mention the names of some founders of religions which were against the Vedic religion and traditions as the cause of Kali Yuga’s trends. If there is a thorny tree there has to be a seed for it as well as ground conditions suitable for such seeds to take root and grow, isn’t it? Similarly, for those founders and missionaries, whatever seeds of ideas and concepts they may plant and grow, the conditions in the society were appropriate for those anti-Vedic religious movements to be nourished and cherished. This is what I meant when I said that the Aasuric and Rakshasic tendencies had already entered the people’s minds. The Kali Purusha had cleverly made a show as though these religions and their missionaries were more righteous than the native ones. Even after the advent of Kali by the power of what Sri Krishna Paramatma and Vyasa Bhagawan had imparted, for some 2000 to 2,500 years, the Indian Sanatana Dharma had gone on, not willing to give up totally. Thus in the mean while, Kali Purusha had started enforcing his sway rather vehemently, as though he was suddenly aware of being slothful and not very active. He was suddenly over active like a filled soda bottle just broken. In that period there were in all, some 72 religions which sprouted against the Vedic Sanatana Dharma, as given in some of the books of that period! Each one came up with tremendous force with much fanfare. In fact what is good and true will quietly come into being. Those that are abnormal and awkward will always start with a bang of audaciousness. As though to prove that Kali Yuga is unrighteous, 72 such religions came into being, say the books.
96. Is Kali meant to create unrighteousness? Here we must make one observation. ‘In what is the universal stage, in each Chatur Yuga, Kruta Yuga starts all pleasant and good, becomes faded and jaded in Treta Yuga and Dwapara Yuga, becoming completely bad and unrighteous towards Kali Yuga, isn’t it? It seems to be the way the drama on the world stage is meant to happen. Why meddle with how God directs the picture? Why blame Kali at all? Once Kali Yuga is meant for Adharma, why should we try to reform Kali Yuga like the Don Quixote’s fight with the wind-mill?’ Such a question is quite likely and I have to answer that doubt. We may not know about what are God’s intentions and plans. Still when we are informed through the Saastraas that there will be a dominating influence of Kali Yuga in the direction of Adharma, we should not presume that, ‘that is how it is supposed to be and we should also go with the tide’, in my opinion! ‘I know the whole world is God’s stage. He is the story writer, camera man, makeup artist and director. To cater for the variety of tastes and to add to the pathos he may be bringing in so many twists and turns. Still his kindness and compassion will not let things go beyond reasonable limits. When limits are crossed instead of being tasty it is likely to become unpleasant and disagreeable. So, people of this age as well, though not so religious and disciplined, though they have some liking for slight deviations of Adharma; will not be permitted to go totally astray. Though they may try all sorts of stunts, God the Director I believe will have his own checks and balances, to create the countering influences in the form of a back lash from within the people of the world themselves!
97. There was a time when ‘justice was done and justice was seen to be done’! Now there is corruption and noticeably more so in all walks of life! Despite the fact that, with the nature of what Kali is, while there is a preponderance of Adharma, there are also counter currents. There are more cases of cheating, bribing, gambling, prostitution and murders on the one hand. But there are also more homes for destitute persons and orphans with free boarding and lodging; conduct of Bhajan, Keertan, Saptahas (reading of scriptures explaining the meaning and message), temple festivals and religious celebrations such as Kumba Abhisheka and so on! When Kali comes to an end (4,26,000 years later), all the morally correct and religiously perfect people are not going to disappear from the face of the earth! It is a prediction that at the end of Kali, on the banks of TamrabaraNi River, in Thirunelveli district, to a Brahmin gentle man named Vishnuyasas a son by the name of Kalki will be born, who will be the last Avatara of God before the Pralaya. So, it means that there will be some Brahmins still in this world who will be religiously observing the Vedic Aachaaraas at the end of Kali Yuga too, isn’t it?
98. I feel that the barbarity and depravity of Kali has been over played in the descriptions given in PuraNas. Even before the Avatara of our AachaaryaaL, there is a description as to how the Devas went to Siva and complained that the Vedic Dharma had completely been wiped out on the earth. But later it is seen that our AachaaryaaL was born in a pure Vedic Brahmin family, which had been like that for generations! We also get to know that he did proper Adhyayana in a Guru Kula environment. Those with similar background like Padma Paada became his disciples. Such Veda Dharma was never extinct from India. We do not have to repeat the phrase, ‘Veda Dharma’, as the real Dharma is Veda Dharma. That has never been, not there!
99. “It is said that this being the reign of Kali, people are expected to be ‘alpa sakthaas’, (that is poor in their determination and observance of Do’s and Don’ts), with the required amount of self discipline and severity of following the strict rules and regulations of Karma Anushtaana, isn’t it? Such being the case, can we expect them to abide with the requirements of conduct of Agni Hotra and Sanyaasa Ashrama without any blemish?” This question was asked at the very start of Kali Yuga, when the Dharma Saastraas were being streamlined. Agni Hotra comes in Pravrutti Marga in Karma Kaanda and Sanyaasa Ashrama Dharma comes in Nivrutti Marga of Gnaana Kaanda. If these two are lost, there is no chance of redemption for human beings. So the question arose if there is a way out for the ‘alpa sakthaas’ of this Kali Yuga. What was the answer or clarification given by the authors of Dharma Saastraas?
100. “We need not confuse ourselves about Kali Yuga and Kruta Yuga and things like that. Till such time a trace of VarNa Vibhaga is still there and some people are is doing Veda Adhyayanam, till then there will be continued observance of Agni Hotra and Sanyaasa Dharma.” That was their considered declaration. So, even when effect of Kali is total, there will still be somebody relentlessly pursuing their paths of Pravrutti and Nivrutti. So the light though dim will never go out. Towards the end, this Maha Purusha will arrive on the scene, causing the dying embers to burn bright at least for a short period, making people wonder if this is Kali Yuga at all! It may look as though we have been transferred to Kruta Yuga without a Sandya of a Pralaya in between! Then it will go on for some time alternating between relapse and revival.
(To be continued.)



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