Saturday, September 27, 2008

DEIVATHIN KURAL # 153 (of Vol 2) Dated 17 Sept 2008

DEIVATHIN KURAL # 153 (of Vol 2) Dated 17 Sept 2008

(These e-mails are translations of talks given by Periyavaal of Kanchi Kamakoti peetam, over a period of some sixty years while he was the pontiff in the earlier part of last century. These have been published in Tamil by Vanadi Padippagam, Chennai, in seven volumes of a thousand pages each, as Deivathin Kural. To day we are proceeding from the last para of page number 1,010, of volume 2, of the Tamil original. This e-mail is a continuation of Deivathin Kural # 152 (of Vol 2) dated 15 Sept 2008.)
The Hindu Religion’s Immortality
71. Whatever moral directions meant to be followed by all in the other religions, like the ten commandments are there in our religion too. In addition, each caste has their own Do’s and Don’t’s, in our religion. These special directives are in relation to the specific roles to be played by those castes. It is this separation of the society in to various castes, based on their duties, that is the cause of the longevity of our religion. Our religion has lasted for many Yuga-s. Yuga, covers a very long period of time as known to the modern world. No other religion seems to have this sort of longevity.
72. (KTSV adds from Bhagavad Gita by Swami Sivananda, Divine Life Society, page no. 190. While commenting on ‘a day of Brhma’ in the Chapter 8, sloka 17, Swamiji says the following:- “ Day means evolution or projection or manifestation of the universe. Night means involution of the universe or Pralaya. The worlds are limited or conditioned in time. Therefore they return again. The world of Brhma [Brhmaloka or Satyaloka] is also transient, although it lasts for a thousand ages. When the four great Yuga-s have gone around for a thousand times, it makes a day time of Brhma and when an equal number of Yuga-s pass again it makes a night.” Suryasiddhanta speaks of a similar division of time, as per which, Kaliyuga which is the shortest, lasts for 432,000 years. Dvapara Yuga preceding it is for double the period of Kali Yuga. Dvapara in turn is preceded by Treta Yuga which is three times Kali. Before that is the Krita Yuga, which is four times Kali. So, these four Yugas put together make, 4,320,000 years. Thousand times this is one Kalpa, a day of Brhma! Two such Kalpa-s make Brhma’s one day night of 8,640,000,000 number of years on this earth! You have to multiply this number by 360 for Brhma’s one year. That multiplied by 100, is the life time of Brhma, which is 311,040,000,000,000 number of years on earth! Then is the Maha Pralaya and pronto! There is a new Brhma!!!)
73. I look at our Religion as being exactly similar to our Temples. Our Temples are not so clean, white washed, painted and well maintained as a Church or Mosque. Our temples are found in various conditions of care or the lack of it. There is no counting the number of plants and trees that have taken roots within the temple premises and on its walls. The Temples are bearing and withstanding years of such neglect. But these Churches and Mosque will not be able to withstand, such ill treatment. They will have to be repaired every two years or so. But our Temples are made of granite stones. Their foundations have been made thousands of years before. So, they are able to somehow survive without periodical repairs.
74 We do many things inside the Temples, not supposed to be done there. They withstand a lot of such misuse and abuse. These Temples are looked upon as ancient heritage landmarks, by foreigners with awe and admiration! Despite the neglect and abuse, these Temples stand as the witnesses to a glorious past. If you think of breaking them down, that will be found to be equally a monumental job! Our Religion is also like that only. There is something not correctly identified by us and not available in other religions, which is the reason for its longevity!
75. That one something is Varna Ashrama Dharma. In other religions there is a common list of Do’s and Dont’s for all. So we may think that they are better and more easily acceptable and hence in the ascendancy. But all this is for a short period. Sometimes their popularity may be high. Then they could vanish out of existence too. In India we have seen times when Jainism and Buddhism were wide spread. Then Jainism got shrunk. Buddhism mainly went out of India to Asian countries. Then came the Muslim religion and then the Christianity. Yes it is a historical fact that many such influx has been there in India. They get Indianised and get mellowed down, absorbed, assimilated and accommodated! The real Hindu Indian Ethos is Live and Let Live! That will prevail. Look at Greece, Egypt and China. The religions that were the backdrop of those civilizations have all but disappeared. Only this Hindu Religion, despite the onslaught of countless attacks from inside and outside, despite all these changes, refuses to die and disappear!
76. There was a palm tree. On that a creeper spread its tendrils and slowly climbed over it. In a few months, the creeper had spread all over. Then this creeper plant thought, “What is this? For the past few months, this palm tree has not grown even an inch, whereas I have completely covered it! This palm tree has outlived its usefulness.” Saying so, the creeper had a hearty laugh! Then the Palm tree answered. “Since my birth I must have seen a thousand creepers like you. You are the 1001st. Each creeper said the same thing. I never told them off!” The Hindu religion and other religions are like that only relatively. In this Hindu religion, each caste has different Karma Anushtaana, the benefits accrue to all equally, while benefiting the society as a whole!
No Special Privileges
77. By the fact that the Brahmins were required to abide by the most difficult restrictions and taboos, while living as simple a life as the poorest in the society, it was made clear that it is very wrong to say that for their parochial benefits, they got the Saastraa-s suitably written. There is another indisputable evidence or proof of the fact that the Saastraa-s were absolutely impartial and above board! All Vidya, Arts and Crafts, the Brahmin is supposed to excel in. But he is not supposed to make any of them other than ‘Adhyaapakam’ his profession. May be Carpentry or Shilpa Saastra, or Music or Dance; may be Archery or Medicine, he has to learn and teach, but not make it a source of income for himself! Such restrictions levied on himself is clear proof of the fact that the Saastras required a much more severe regimen from the Brahmin than other castes!
78. Now everybody is equal in everything, they say. Especially in front of Laws of the land and Justice, everyone is equal, it is roundly claimed. But, in the parliament, in the courts, the various arms of the Government; are all asking, claiming and agitating for special privileges. The Members of the Parliament are the worst in this respect. They have cornered and pocketed such enormous privileges in terms of pay, perks, traveling allowance, number of free travels by plane within the country and to foreign countries, medical expenses and so on; it makes shameful reading for a country which is supposed to be a ‘still developing poor nation! Then they arm themselves with so much special powers that, even my this statement could be considered as ‘contempt of court or parliament’!
(To be continued.) Sambhomahadeva.


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