Saturday, September 27, 2008

DEIVATHIN KURAL # 142 (of Vol 2) Dated 16 August 2008

DEIVATHIN KURAL # 142 (of Vol 2) Dated 16 August 2008

(These e-mails are translations of talks given by Periyaval of Kanchi Kamakoti peetam, over a period of some sixty years while he was the pontiff in the earlier part of last century. These have been published in Tamil by Vanadi Padippagam, Chennai, in seven volumes of a thousand pages each, as Deivathin Kural. To day we are proceeding from page number 970, of volume 2, of the Tamil original.)


1. Veda-s are four in number. Veda-anga-s (parts) are six. Upa-anga-s are again four namely, Meemamsai, Nyayam, Puranam and Dharma Sastram.
So these 14 are the basic tenets of what is known as Hindu Religion of Sanaatana Dharma, which means ‘ancient, permanent, eternal righteousness!’ Since the emphasize is on ‘Dharma’, these 14 are known as Dharma Sthaanaa-s. Along with that, as all these are capable of educating the mind, intellect and heart; they are also known as ‘Education Positions’ or ‘Vidya Sthaanaa-s’. There are four more Vidya Sthaanaa-s, which are concerned only with the mind, body and senses, instead of being concerned with the inner soul of the individual. They are, Ayur Vedam, Dhanur Vedam, Gandarva Vedam and Artha Sastram; respectively. They are known as, ‘Upa Veda-s’. (These four are more comprehensively covered later in the third Volume of Deivathin Kural.)
2. Amongst these, you may be aware that Ayur Veda is concerned with physical health and medicines. It talks of preventive medicines and physical exercises as well as treatment after becoming diseased. We cannot say that this is concerned directly with spiritual well being.
3. Dhanur Vedam is about the art of fighting wars. Here Dhanush is not only the bow and arrow; but, all sorts of weapons and missiles and their effective usage in battle. This again is not concerned about ‘Aatma Suddhi’.
4. Gandharva Vedam is about Music, Dance and such Arts. This feeds the senses and enables in passing time while entertaining. Out of these four Vidya Sthaanaa-s, this is the only one, if observed as a worship of ‘Naada’ or sound, as ‘Naadopaasana’, with love of God, this is the closest of the four to spirituality.
5. Artha Saastra is mainly concerned with Economics, Government and Statecraft. The sub-parts of this Vidya Sthaanaa-s, are ‘Saama, Daana, Beda and Dhanda’ respectively, are the essential and unavoidable tactics used by the Government in being.
6. Thus all these four Vidya Sthaanaa-s are more nearer practical way of life than ideal spiritual life. One is often faced with diseases and so Ayur Veda is an essential sub-part of the Veda-s. There are many occasions when a state has to defend itself against alien regimes. Dhanur Vedam becomes necessary for defending one’s own country against the efforts of enemy forces. Life cannot be all work and sleep. Some amount of entertainment is also necessary. So Gandarva Vedam satisfies that need. Then in a country, the social well being largely depends upon the disciplined management of its resources and productivity. So, Artha Saastra is a practical necessity.
7. The usefulness of these four Vidya Sthaanaa-s are also practically apparent. When you take medicines, you can see its practical usefulness, when you are relieved of the disease. When you make use of Dhanur Veda similarly, the effect on the opponents and the defense and protection provided are visible to the eye. Similar is the apparent entertainment value of Gandarva Veda. Music and dance are enjoyed in the very present moment! The effect of Artha Saastra principles are also very apparent and are the subject of daily analysis in the news papers!
8. The fourteen Dharma Sthaanaa-s, talked about earlier are not characterized by such apparent gains or usefulness. The fruit of those
9. When the Aatma is still held prisoner with in the human physical body, is the time to get rid of all sinful attitudes and activities and do good ‘Punya’ Karma and there by get to know one’s real identity. Ayur Veda has been created with this aim in view that only in a healthy body, the mind and intellect could be healthy. So, Ayur Veda is meant to assist the individual in ‘Atma Sadhana’ only. Similarly, only if your country or Nation is protected from external interference, can there be time and atmosphere for ‘Atma Sadhana’ is the purpose of Dhanur Veda. Similarly, to protect the Nation from internal confusion, there is a need to have reasonably trouble free governance; for which Artha Saastra endevours. To reduce Man’s mental strain and increase his subtle sense of appreciation of arts, the Gandarva Veda fills-in an important requirement, in Man’s life.
10. Thus, these Vidya Sthaanaa-s contribute indirectly towards the same purpose of ‘Atma Anubhuti’ as are the 14 Dharma Sthaanaa-s. That is why they are also known as Upa Veda-s. Other than Artha Saastra, all the other three have the suffix ‘Veda’ in their name itself. These four seemingly go far away from the purpose of ‘Aatma Anubhuti’ of the experience of Self Realization. They seem to get us involved in sensual pleasures and physical awareness and identification with the body as oneself! However their aim is still centered towards the same aim as of that of the other parts of the Veda-s!
11. Other than these 18 (of 14 Dharma Sthaanaa-s and four Vidya Sthaanaa-s), for all the modern Arts, Sciences and disciplines, there are parallel Saastraa-s, in our Hindu Sanaatana Dharma. In Ayur Vedam itself, we have Physiology, zoology, Botany, Medical Sciences, Chemistry and Surgery! In Mathematics, the world over they do accept that many concepts such as ‘Zero’ are Indian contributions! Thus the Vidya Sthaanaa-s are supposed to be 64 in numbers! It is only after being invaded by the Turks and Muslims; that this country lost its avidity, direction and keenness in pure science, research and development! It is then that we became lagging behind in Science and Technology to the rest of the world!
(To be continued.)


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