Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Deivathin Kural - 146.

Om Namah Sivaya.

Deivathin Kural # 146 of 02 Feb 2007.

1. These e-mails, are chapter wise translations of the lectures given by, Sri Chandra Sekharendra Swamigal, of Kanchi Kamakoti Peetam. Every day, after the daily Puja, He used to talk, on various aspects concerning Hinduism. These are published, in Tamil, by Vanady Padippagam, T.Nagar, Chennai, as Deivathin Kural, in seven volumes of a thousand pages each.

2. To-day's talk is titled, 'Siva Vishnu Abhedam', in pages 674 to 677, of Deivathin Kural, Volume 1.

3. Natural traits are of three types. They are Satvam, Rajas and Tamas.(There are no exact translations, for these words. However, as we go along, the reader will be aware of the distinctions made here.) Satvam is the plain, flat, balanced state of equanimity, full of peace and love. Whiteness is its colour. The spotlessly clean whiteness, automatically instils a sense of acceptance in everyones mind. Rajas is speed, dynamic activity, hectic industry and is full of awe inspiring force. Its colour is reddish yellow, like the early morning Sun or Semparuthi flower or blood red. It is beautiful as well as fearful. Tamas, is negative inertia. Dark, lazy, slothfulness. Black is its colour, indicating lack of awareness and knowledge.

4. We are all bounden by these three 'gunas' or traits. We exhibit each one of these traits, at different points in time. On occassions, one of the traits are predominent. Each individual is endowed with these traits, in varying proportions. As all this has evolved from the same source of Paramaatma, He is also thought of exhibiting the three traits, in His three different forms of Brhma, Vishnu and Siva.

5. Since all creation is from an urge of passion, Brhma is considered to be mainly 'Rajo Guna'. No one disputes this. He colour is also reddish yellow. Maintenanace and sustenance, is by 'Satva Guna'. We the great sinners, do not deserve even a mouthful. It is the job of Vishnu, to see to it that, the creature comforts of all life forms, from the germ and ant, to the whale and elephant, are catered for. So He is the 'Satva Murthy'.

6. Dissolution, distruction and annulment, is a 'Tamasik trait'. This is the job thought to be that of 'Siva'. From here started all Saiva - Vaishnava conflicts! Saivas will never agree that, Vishnu's job of universal maintenance is a Satva activity. Their argument is on these lines:- "To abet this transient life, is to keep pushing us back into the darkness of Agnana and so is a Tamasik thing. It is Siva who gives Gnana Upadesa (or teaches awareness), as Dakshinamurthy. So His is the Satva domain! Even those who are not yet ripe enough for Gnana, He relieves them from the ties of worldly involvement, to give at least a temporary respite. So Siva is the embodiment of Satva. Whatever Vishnu does, He does so on the orders of Parameswara only!"

7. Vaishnavas counter runs like this:- "Mahavishnu, not only maintains this Universe, He also gives the final abode of Moksha. He is a total God. Parameswara does His 'Samhara' business, under orders from Mahavishnu!"

8. We who have accepted Adi Sankara Bhagavath Padar's teachings, are neither Vaishnavas nor Saivas. We are the Smaarthars. Smruthi is our directing force. We have no axes to grind, between Saivas and Vaishnavas. We accept all Gods as different appearences of the one and only God. Siva and Vishnu are only two expressions of the same truth. But the warring sides would not let us be. They will emphasise that their God is the Satva Guna Murthy! They both agree that Brhma is the Rajo Guna representative. No problem there. Ther is no Temple for Him, no devotional rituals and no followers!

9. Let us look at the conflict from an unbiased center point. Brhma's job is Rajas. His colour is Rajas. His abode of lotus is also Red. Look at Siva and Vishnu. To maintain and sustain the Universe is a Satva job, alright. But His colour is Bluish Black! That is tamas. He is all the time lying and sleeping on the bed of Adi Sesha! That is also Tamas!

10. Let us look at Siva. Though He does the Tamasik act of destruction, He is not Black! As the sloka describes Him, 'suddhas spatika sankasam', He is transparent like the Crystal. His abode, the Kailasa mountain is covered by the white snow. He is smeared by the white ashes of Vibuthi. His Rishabha Vahana is a white bull. He does not sleep. He is either the silent Dakshinamurthy or the happy dancer Nataraja. Everything is indicative of the Satva trait!

11. So what is the conclusion? Siva and Vishnu are not two different individuals. They are not seperate. These traits differenciation is only for, our understanding. These traits are beautifully intermingled. Have your own God, by all means. Know that they are one and the same. In essence they are one. Pray to one or both, but do not hate either or whom you think as the other!



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