Deivathin Kural Series - 101
Om Namah Sivaya.
Deivathin Kural # 101 of 20 Nov 2006.
1. These e-mails are translations of talks given by the erstwhile Pontiff of Kanchi Kamakoti Peetam, over more than sixty years, published by Vanady Padippagam, T.Nagar, Chennai, India, in ten volumes, in the Tamil language. On line version of this book in Tamil is available at ''. The english version is likely to be available very soon. These e-mails are simply an effort on the part of the sender, to share some of his bliss, as it is said, 'Yam perra peru peruga ivvaiyagam'. When he adds any personal observations he uses the phrase, 'KTSV adds'.
2. To-days lecture is titled, 'Iyarkai Kattum Easwara Thathuvam' ie.,'Idea of God as Indicated by Nature', in pages 474 to 476, in Volume1 of Deivathin Kural. Unless specifically mentioned, he or man includes, she or woman.
3. A variety of powers are spread, throughout the Creation. When we look at Nature, we come across something with some power and something else with some more of that power. The observation goes on endlessly. We have some physical capabilities. We can lift some weight. The bull or buffalow can carry more weight. Camel can do even better. Elephant can carry even more weight than the Camel. We can make comparisons of various living things based on their capabilities such as running speed, or jumping or smelling or hearing.
4. Let us look at brain-power. The worm has more sense than plants. Ant is more intelligent than the worm. Compared to an animal like a Horse or Cow or Goat, the Ant may prove to be a dullard. Man excels in this. We can deduce from this that, there must some basis for all such powers and capabilities. There has to be some source or foundation, for all powers. We name that as 'Swami' or God.
5. Using it's brain and power and capabilities, a sparrow makes a Nest. There has to be some power and capability that could organise this Universe! That is 'SWAMI' or God. From the Nature's innumerable examples of successively increasing capabilities, we thus, deduce this likelyhood of 'the Idea of God'.
6. We also notice another phenomenon in Nature. There is the occurence of pairs of opposites or what is called 'dichotomy'. For everyday, there is a night. There is severe summer for every severe winter. Soft flowers have sharp thorns. Sweet taste has its opposite. Against Love there is Hate. For Positive, there is Negative. For North Pole, there is South Pole. For anything and everything, there is a corresponding counter-part. For every particle, there is a counter-particle or non-particle. Thinking on these lines, you have to agree that, there has to be a counter-point for the Human Mind. What is the nature of the Human Mind? To merge in likes and dislikes, to get tied-up in various binds and keep on trying to get free from such ties; is the nature of the mind. Contrary to this, without any likes and dislikes, with total clarity and impartiality, fully satisfied and contented, there has to be a counter-point for the Human Mind. That is 'SWAMI' or God.
7. In Nature, everything is constantly and continuously, changing. Only some of that change, is visible to our eyes. What looks like unchanging constant, is also under going some changes. Bud to-day is Flower to-morrow and 'Nirmalyam', the next day. Childhood to youth to middle age to old-age, is the route by which all of us go through. Even the seemingly unchanging Oceon and Mountain, are undergoing changes. Nothing is permanent in Nature. The only constancy seems to be, change! This should mean that, there has to be something unchanging. That is 'SWAMI' or God.
8. Thus Nature is pointing out the existance of the Idea of God, by way of the Principle of Progressive Refinement and Improvement; the Principle of Point - Counter - Point; and the Principle of Permanency in Change.
9. Let it be. Why bother with such abstract ideas? Why should we have devotion to God? Is God amenable to suggestions and flattery? These can be your queries. How are we faring in this comparison? We have many wants, needs and desires, with limited capabilities. Without a need or want, that God is all-powerful and all-capable. We are the bottom and He is the Peak! Omni-potent and Omni-present, He is also the repository of Grace and Compassion. We are less and He is full. He is the necessary counter-balance for all our deficiencies.
10. Less means that something is needed. When there is no need, we can be totally contented. That 'SWAMI' who is God, while removing our deficiencies, can make us whole too. Those commanding heights of the idea of God, in filling-up our deficiencies and in-adequacies, can and will make this 'Us' in to 'That', without any separateness.
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