Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Deivathin Kural Series - 34

Om Namah Sivaya.
Deivathin Kural # 34 of 25 July 2006.

1.These e-mails are translations of talks given by the erstwhile Pontiff of Kanchi Kamakoti Peetam, over more than sixty years, published by Vanady Padippagam, T.Nagar, Chennai, India, in ten volumes, in the Tamil language. The english version is likely to be available very soon. These e-mails are simply an effort on the part of the sender, to share some of his bliss, as it is said, 'Yam perra peru peruga ivvaiyagam'.

2. To-day's e-mail is the translation of what is given in pages, 158 to 164, in volume I, under the heading, 'Varna Dharmam',
'ie., Duties of Varna'. (As you know, Man herein includesWoman and vice versa except when specially mentioned.)
3. In olden times, for cooking food in the house, all sorts of inflammable materials such as waste paper, dry twigs, and leaves of plants around the house, were made use of. On rainy days, it used to be a great problem to get the fire going. But once a few sparks were there, they would fan it quickly into a blazing fire. Similarly, I am trying to light up the Sanatana Dharma, from a few sparks left in some of the elders and spread it in the whole society. That is my ambition. That is why I am telling you all this.
4. In our Sanatana Dharma, because this Varna Dharma, is a special asset, the so called Reformists, are keen on doing away with this Varna Dharma as un-necessary, and bring us at par with other religions. OK. What is a religion for. It is meant to cure Man of his disease. It is the prerogative of the doctor, to do prognosis and diagnosis. It is not the job of a person, with no medical knowledge. The great Rishis of yore; who lived a life of absolute self negation; avoided materialistic acquisition; and devoted their effort and energy in identifying the ways and means of common good; are the Doctors who suggested this medicine of Varna Dharma, for us. In other countries, other doctors have adviced certain other methods and medicines. You cannot tell a doctor, to give you a particular treatment, because some other doctor is doing so! Ther are many medicines. Some are easy. Some may be bitter. Some diseases may need surgery. Methods may also vary, depending on the approach, such as Allopathy, Ayurvedic, Unani and Homeopathy, disciplines. If we follow one, we may get cured. But if we make a mix, we may never get cured.
5. Other religions talk about the general principles. These are already available in Sanathana Dharma, as Samanya Dharma, as applicable to all sections of the society. Ahimsa or not-being-cruel to all living things; truthfulness; purity / cleanliness of mind and body; control of senses, that is, not indulging in sensual pursuits; Devotion to God; respect to Parents, yelders and teachers; honesty, integrity, loyalty and such noble virtues; treating all living beings with love; and such are, part of Samanya Dharma, in our religion. In addition some special Rules and Regulations, have been evolved, for the people of the four Varnas; that is known as Varna Dharma.
6. Had these special Dharmas, been made applicable to all, it might have ended up, in no one following them. I will give You an example. In Buddhism, vegetarianism was a general Dharma. But what do we see in Buddhist Nations. Everybody is a
non-vegetarian there. Our Rishis were aware of human nature. So they kept vegetarianism as a requirement for only some; and seeing them many others too may and do give up eating non-vegetarian food.
7. Wherever, all the restrictions have been kept as general requirements, old such religions have either disappeared or in the dying throes. The Hellenic in the West, in Greece; the Hebrew religions of Central Asia; Shinto and Confucious religions of the East; are all in bits and pieces here and there. In their place, are the Buddhism / Christianity / Islam. They have some common rules and regulations, as applicable to all the followers of their religion. But strict adherence to these are going by default, almost everywhere. Either they are becoming non-practicing religionists or non-believers. Or many unhappy with their own religion, are turning to Yoga, Bakthi Marg, Gnana Vichara etc. How long is this state of affairs going to last, is anybody's guess. Religion seems to be more a cause of quarrels between Nations, than, the purpose for which the religions came in to being! I am not saying this because, I am a Hindu Religious Leader and I want to put down other religions. I wish that all people should progress intrinsically, from within their own religion. I am not calling anybody to come to our religion. I believe that such calling is against the basic tenets of Hindu religion. I also believe that nothing happens by accident.
8. Depending on the maturity level of each, God causes people to be born into various religions; and they can and should progress, through their own religion; is my belief. When I point out some some special concepts and principles of Hindu Religion, it is not being done to decry them, or invite them to join us. The purpose is three fold. One. So that they can understand us better and show them as to how some of their criticisms are invalid. Two. To tell some of our co-religionists, not to go at a tangent and believe the criticisms of people from other religions, without knowing the ground realities. Three. By accepting some of these, other religions too could benefit. Whatever the religion, what is the basic, priority one idea? To believe in God and to be devoted to God. Since in those religions too, Devotion or Bakthi, is of equal importance, accepting some of these ideas cannot be hurting them.
9. I am not saying that these religions are in a bad shape. Arnold Toyenbee, Paul Brunton, Coestler, are some famous thinkers, who have opined the way I have spoken. What they have said is that, world over, there is a general disbelief in God and Religion; and day by day, there are more people becoming Atheists. We are also seeing that Religion to day, is more of a political platform; than a personal procedure for self ennobling. Even in India, this trend is noticeable. But what other foreigners say, after observing many countries, is that, comparatively, in India still, religion is more in practice, than elsewhere. That is why, people from all over the world, still flock to India, if they have religious aspirations.
10 When we look into it more closely, what we see, is that, in India too, there is a decline in the level of belief and understanding. Doubtlessly, this dibelief, is concurrent with the increased demand for doing away with, Varna Dharma. This is surprising! Let me explain. One would expect that, a religion in which, the general populace is subdivided into smaller parts, may lose cohesion and integrity. It has not been so in our case. From the time of Alexander the Great, India has been subjected to repeated invasions by marauding hoards of many other religionists and that ended with India becoming a British colony. Had the Hindu religion gone out of existance; it would have been a natural historical fact. But the reality is different. While religions in which, all were required to observe a common protocol, have disappeared, this Hindu religion, has survived and is flourishing! In addition to disbelief and atheism, we often hear of a fear psychosis being expressed, that their religion, 'is in peril'. We should logically analyse this, without becoming too sentimental.
11. What is the 'secret of success', of this nameless religion, (recently known as, Hindu Religion,) that it has thrived in all these millenniums, despite following Varna Dharma? Were the Brahmins who had the unenviable responsibility, to self abnegatingly, protect the Vedas and Sastras, in majority? No. Did they have the power of the Sword or Gun on their side? No. Were the Brahmins having money power? No. (That some Brahmins started becoming rich, is a recent aberration, within the past three centuries. As per Sastras, Brahmin is required to be poor only.) Then how is that, the Varna Dharma, said to be imposed by the Brahmins, without, majority, without power of the sword and wealth; acceptable to rest of the people? Where all the people duped? Even if they were duped, for thousands of years, why didn't they wake up, when a person like Buddha or Jina came along? These two Religions told them, quite convincingly, 'Let us do away with Varna Dharma. Let us stop this Yagas and Vedas. All people need to have only one common Dharma. Let us do away with Sanskrit. Let us use the common man's language of Pali. Let us pioneer a new path with new sastras.' Some people did join the new religions. Then again slowly, these two religions of Buddhism and Jainism, declined. The old Vaidika madam, again flourished, holding it's head high!
12. One great man said, 'in the human body with nine holes, dying is not a surprise, living is!' Similarly, subjected to attacks from within and without, over all these years, had this Vaidika Sanatana Dharma died, it would not have been a surprise; the fact that it is thriving is a surprise! What do we understand from this, if we analyse this dispassionately? When in this and other countries, religions have come and gone, the longevity of Hinduism, indicates that there is something in this religion, not available in others. What is that? At the interactive level, it is Varnasrama Dharma. Though the Reformists, claim that this Varna Dharma is the reason for the decline of the religion; opposite seems to be the case. Contrary to the much trumped about 'Equality', there is some inherent logic in the Varna Dharma, which is the cause of the Religion's longevity and 'never say die' attitude.


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